Archive for category Jesus

The Beauty of Family

It was my privilege this week to stand with a family while a beloved mother and grandmother struggled in her final hours of life.  Sweet tears flowed, and quiet prayers brought to mind the goodness of God.  It was so obvious that this family was connected, strong, and beautiful.

Later, at the funeral home, I heard stories of times long ago; memories that anchored that family to who they were, who they are.  And a new baby will soon be born and that sweet girl will learn of the history of that family, and will- I’m sure- help shape and mold another generation.

I was reminded that the strength of family is a beautiful thing.

For those whose family relationship isn’t something to be cherished and handed down from generation to generation, please know: there is hope.  While you may not be able to change your history, you can change your future.

A strong family is a beautiful thing.

I know.

What are your favorite things about your family?  What would you change if you could?

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Calming the Storm

I have been blessed (in the deepest sense of the word) to have travelled to Israel and visit some historical Biblical sites. I recently travelled with a few hundred men and women to Israel and Armenia on a concert tour.

I took this photo at the Sea of Galilee, in northern Israel. Caparnaum is to the left, Tiberius to the right. The view is simply beautiful.
I wonder what the Sea of Galilee looked like to the disciples the night of the great storm.  You remember the story- the storm raged, the disciples feared for their lives- when they caught a glimpse of Jesus walking on the water.  The sea must have been extremely rough, the wind heaving their boats dangerously from side to side.  It must have been crazy strong as to distract them from recognizing Jesus.  Or, it could have been the fact that Jesus was walking on the surface of the water even in the storm- they were convinced He was a ghost!  Or, it could have been their fear that prevented them from recognizing the Savior they loved and served…
When your storms rage, you can be sure that Jesus is there.  He may not appear like you hope or when you think is best.  Don’t let your circumstances- or the fear they bring- prevent you from seeing Jesus… He is there.  He is here.

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Borrowed Blog Post

In checking my Twitter account this morning before work, I came across this energizing and encouraging post from South Carolina Pastor Perry Nobles.  I am so jazzed, I stole (I mean I borrowed) it.  Read it- I pray it energizes you for Christ as it energized me!


From time to time in reading the Bible a verse or particular passage of Scripture will LEAP off the page at me and consume my mind…

Recently it has been II Chronicles 2:5

Solomon had a vision…it was to build something to show the world that his God was different, that He was greater and more powerful than any other “god” on the planet.

Honestly, I believe church leaders should have THAT SAME PASSION…to work as hard as we can to build a work that SCREAMS to the world that our God is different…that He is GREATER than all other “gods.”

With that in mind I am specifically praying for 15 things for the church…

#1 – That our church services would be a reflection of the fact that Jesus is alive, not dead!

#2 – That leaders would take what we do seriously and not EVER allow things to slip into cruise control.

#3 – That we will understand that the creative potential in HIS CHURCH is greater than the creative potential in the world!  Disney created a mouse…GOD created the Grand Canyon…HE HAS THE TRUMP CARD!

#4 – That we would have a heart for the same things that God has a heart for!

#5 – That we would meet people where they are and actually answer questions that they are asking rather than thinking they actually want to know more about where the Hittites came from!

#6 – That we would challenge people with God’s truth instead of worrying about how many people MAY get offended.

#7 – That our view of God will INCREASE…because the GREATER we see that He is the GREATER things we will attempt in His name.  (People who have small vision often have a small view of God.)

#8 – That we will STOP doing church for the already convinced and begin doing it for those who are far away from God.

#9 – That we would embrace an Acts 15:19 mindset by NOT giving people a list of rules but rather teach them how to have an active, vibrant relationship with a HOLY GOD!

#10 – That the church would actually begin to minister to “one another” rather than depending on “paid professionals” to do it all.

#11 – That our agenda would be Jesus and HIS KINGDOM and not a particular political party.

#12 – That we would model John 13:34-35 to a world that is ALWAYS changed when they see these verses in action!

#13 – That we would reject the notion that God deserves “just enough” and instead we would offer Him the very best we’ve got!

#14 – That we would STOP looking for a formula but rather seek God and HIS agenda for our church!

#15 – That we would spend LESS time declaring what we’re against and more time living out WHO we are for!

He is a GREAT GOD…far greater than ANYONE or ANYTHING on this planet.  And we as the church are called to point other people to that greatness…and I think our church services are a great place to begin displaying that truth to the world.  (Yes, it DOES go beyond the doors of the church…but it has to start somewhere!!!)

Thank you, Perry Nobles.  I hope to meet you someday…..

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Sea of Galilee

While I am editing video in my office, I often turn to other tasks to while away the time. Today I read an article in World Magazine that brought to mind beautiful memories of a recent trip to Armenia and Israel; specifically the Sea of Galilee. (
I was taken back by the simple beauty of the region; being there helped make the the stories of scripture seem real, seem possible. Standing on the shore; by the home of Peter’s mother-in-law (Why did Peter deny Jesus? Because Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law… as told by our guide); at the foot of the hillside where Jesus taught so many.
It is a place of peace. Don’t misunderstand– areas nearby are overtly commercialized– but the beauty of the gardens and the sea is unforgettable.
I wish I could remember the scriptures He taught as clearly as I remember the breeze off the sea. I wish I could see my sin as easily as I see in my mind’s eye the figure of Jesus, at the bottom of the same hill where I am standing, teaching hundreds and hundreds about love and forgiveness.
My video is complete- back to work. But I retain vivid memories of the beauty of the Sea of Galilee, as well as what I have learned from Jesus who taught there two thousand years ago.
Life is Good!

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